A LIquiport


A single SYSTEM covering all management systems: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

Our Integrated Management System was developed to meet the requirements of the standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2007.

The management of operational, administrative and commercial activities follows strict procedures and instructions, aiming to develop and operate in a safe and responsible manner, without presenting any type of risk to our employees and the environment.

In order for the standards of the Integrated Management System to be followed, Liquiport guarantees quality, safety and respect for the environment, resulting in efficient and safe results, complying with current legislation.

Preservation of the environment, combined with practices to reduce water and energy consumption, rigorous control of waste generation and atmospheric emissions, among other initiatives, is part of our commitment to sustainable development.

In line with the adopted principles, we carry out Selective Collection programs, training of Fire Brigades and Occupational Health, preventing injuries, accidents and occupational illnesses. In this way, we are training and valuing employees and qualifying them and improving safety, health and the environment, with quality and preventing environmental pollution.

Ensuring personal and process security is our objective, we are always aware of threats.

Scope of the LiquiPort Integrated Management System (SGI)

Bulk handling service (liquid caustic soda), involving receipt by sea, unloading, storage in tanks and loading by road at berths 201 and 207 located at the Port of Capuaba in Vila Velha/ES.

LiquiPort Integrated Management System (SGI) Policy

Liquiport S/A, the bulk port operator, operates in an ethical, responsible and transparent manner in the fulfilment of its obligations and in the continuous search for business results, based on the following commitments:


▪ Meet the contractual requirements of customers in providing services and seek to raise their satisfaction;
▪ Apply Compliance tools to ensure compliance with legal requirements and other applicable obligations, related to business, quality, health, occupational safety, environment and relationships with internal and external stakeholders;
▪ Generate sustainable returns to shareholders and other stakeholders, through the continuous evolution of management and business results achieved.


▪ Manage the environmental aspects associated with its activities, products and services in order to avoid or minimize impacts on the soil, atmosphere, water, fauna and marine flora, through controlled actions on the occurrence of leaks, spills, atmospheric emissions, effluent and solid waste generation;
▪ Promote the rational use of natural resources such as water and energy in its operations;
▪ Reconcile the achievement of business results with beneficial social impacts, through the fulfillment of their legal obligations, job generation and income and social actions.


▪ Provide safe and healthy working conditions, to avoid work-related injuries and health deviations, and continuously assess working conditions to promote hazard elimination and risk reduction;
▪ Promote consultation with workers and their representatives on issues relevant to occupational health and safety, as well as their involvement in related decisions.

Revision: 02 of 11/30/2019
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